Pulpit Stand

Pulpit Stand
Olympic Home Coming
A piece of equipment increasingly often seen at events is a pulpit stand.
These are lightweight and easy for sound companies and event managers to move around and set up. Sound equipment itself has become both smaller AND more powerful at the same time. This has meant organizations can set up and run conferences with less staff and fuss. Outdoor venues are increasingly popular. These things all combine to cause the increased need for portable pulpit stand. In these pictures above you can see the Australian Olympic games team being welcomed back. In this photo you can see the pulpit stand with 2 microphones clipped on and the cable running down the outside of the stem.
You can see the then Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to the left, and the then NSW state Prime Minister Morris Iemma to the right. This is an outdoors venue that had to be set up in a short amount of time and look good. For this reason the Arc2 pulpit stand was chosen. These pulpit stands are 7.5kg (17lbs). They can be carried easily and set up quickly. When not in use, the stem is detached and it takes up very little space in a sound company van or truck. A sign for the event can easily be hung from the top as shown.
While traditionally pulpit stamds were large and bulky, new types are easy to move, lightweight and transparent in appearance, reducing the obstructions between speaker and audience.
Pulpit stand photo by www.sspa.com.au (click to go to their site)